Comic book shop, in-store sales and shipping of comics, comic-related products, fan and trend merchandise. Retail store with shelves and shelves of comic books and cartoon characters
The Weinscheune (literally: “wine barn”) is a classic farmhouse, typical for the southern regions of Germany. In 2003, it was converted into a residential building with an attached vinotheque and wine bar. The historic house in the heart of Hüttersdorf has been family-owned since around 1872. The exact year of construction is not known. Johann Pontius, who was a miner by trade, married Angela Trenz that year and probably converted the house into a residential building at this time.
Indoor market set in an industrial factory building with a surface of 900 sqm: rows of shelves full of antiques, miscellaneous flea market items, electrical appliances, books, records, clothes, odd
Urban Thewes and his wife Catharina were a couple from Thalexweiler. In 1918, they erected a stone cross (hence, the name Urban’s Cross) in memory of their late son, Johann Lorenz.
This modern family-friendly public pool is one of the most beautiful open air pools in the northern part of Saarland. It’s especially popular for its good water quality, the peaceful atmosphere, and the beautiful surrounding nature, all of which invite young and old to spend relaxing moments here.
Comic book shop, in-store sales and shipping of comics, comic-related products, fan and trend merchandise. Retail store with shelves and shelves of comic books and cartoon characters