
The Schanzenberg railway bridge for pedestrians leads across the river Saar and the A620 motorway.

heavily frequented spur route in Saarbrücken

Ludwig’s Square can be found in Old Saarbrücken. At its center stands impressively the beautiful Baroque Ludwig’s Church, one of the city’s most recognisable landmarks and one of the most important Protestant churches in Germany. Ludwig’s Square is surrounded by the Saarland state chancellery and lovely, meticulously restored civil servant’s houses. Together, they form a unique architectural ensemble, completed in 1775 by master builder Friedrich Joachim Stengel.

Construction of the central bus station in Püttlingen was completed in 2015.

Turning from Schmollerstraße into Brentanostraße to access Rothenbergstraße, you basically drive right through a building. The passage (Brentanostraße) was dug through a so-called high bunker, i.e. a bunker in which the volume of the protected space is entirely or mainly above the level of the earth's surface.

Die Sieben-Weiher-Tour ist eine Halbtagestour mit vergleichsweise wenig Steigungsstrecken durch sehr schöne Täler und Wälder in der Stadt Blieskastel und den benachbarten Kommunen. Charakteristisch sind die vielen Weiher direkt an der Strecke. Mehrere sehr attraktive Picknick- und Einkehrmöglichkeiten lassen aus der Halbtagestour ganz von alleine oftmals eine Ganztagesunternehmung werden. Die 7-Weiher-Tour bietet sich wegen der beiden Bahnhöfe in St. Ingbert und Niederwürzbach besonders gut für eine An- und Abreise mit dem Zug an.

The district town of Merzig and its sights are situated on the river Saar, approximately 35 km south of Trier and 35 km northwest of Saarbrücken.

10.000 sqm scrapyard, vehicle recycling, car repair shop, spare parts inventory, motor warehouse. Some pieces are stockpiled. Towing vehicles, truck-mounted crane, vintage cars.

Self-service car wash. Six covered wash boxes, one of which is large and high enough to accommodate trucks. High pressure systems, foam brushes, vacuum cleaning systems.

Self-service car wash with spray lance and brush. Four covered wash boxes plus vacuum cleaning systems.
