coming on the Autobahn A8 Dillingen-Neunkirchen, take the Spiesen exit and follow the B41, direction St. Wendel/Ottweiler. Stay on the B41 (Redener Straße) while driving through the town of Sinnerthal, direction Ottweiler. In Ottweiler, turn right onto Saarbrücker Straße, then left onto Spitalstraße. Veer half-right onto Klosterstraße, then turn right onto Steinbacher Straße, direction Steinbach. As you enter the town of Steinbach, turn right and follow the road to the parking lot at the sports field. From there, the 'Steinbachpfad' footpath leads to the observation tower (approx. 500 metres).
pas de correspondance directe. La gare la plus proche est celle de St. Avold (à 13 km environ)