coming from Saarbrücken, take the A620 motorway going in the direction of Völklingen, Saarlouis, Luxembourg. After approx. 28 km, you will reach the Saarlouis interchange (Autobahndreieck Saarlouis). Proceed onto the A8 motorway, direction Karlsruhe, Neunkirchen, Trier, Koblenz. After approx. 1,7 km, leave the A8 by taking the Dillingen Süd exit (10) and turn right onto Lorisstraße (B51 federal highway), direction Trier, Merzig, Dillingen, Hafen. After approx. 1,5 km, you will reach a roundabout. Take the first exit onto Saarlouiser Straße (L143 highway) and continue for approx. 200 m. Bear half right and turn onto Dieffler Straße. After approx. 2,6 km, turn left onto Dillinger Straße (L346 highway). Follow the right of way for approx. 5,5 km, then turn right onto Jahnstraße. After approx. 500 m, turn left onto Piesbacher-Straße and continue for another 1,1 km. Turn left onto a dirt track. After approx. 100 m, you will have reached the former copper mine