Leave Saarbrücken in the direction of Fechingen and continue on the L107 (Provinzialstraße). Turn right onto the L105, direction Bliesransbach. Follow the signposts indicating Bliesransbach and head through town, following the main road until reaching Bliesmengen-Bolchen. After passing through the town of Bliesmengen-Bolchen, you will reach Habkirchen-Zollhäuser. Turn left onto the B423 (Grenzlandstraße). After approx. 100 metres, in the town of Habkirchen, turn right onto the L105, direction Gersheim/Reinheim. In Reinheim, follow the signposts indicating the archaeological park („Europäischer Kulturpark”). Right before the bridge (Bliesbrücke), turn left onto the parking lot P2. The park is located on the right hand side, behind the bridge.
Going by train, get off at Blieskastel station and take the bus from there (busses operate hourly during high season).