classic straightforward gym with the usual equipment: weight machines, racks with free weights, weight benches, spread over two levels. Large graffitis cover the walls.
The Weinscheune (literally: “wine barn”) is a classic farmhouse, typical for the southern regions of Germany. In 2003, it was converted into a residential building with an attached vinotheque and wine bar. The historic house in the heart of Hüttersdorf has been family-owned since around 1872. The exact year of construction is not known. Johann Pontius, who was a miner by trade, married Angela Trenz that year and probably converted the house into a residential building at this time.
The Webenheim Farmers' Festival is one of the largest folk festivals in Saarland. It is celebrated for nine days in July every year on the Webenheim fairground in Blieskastel. Next to a huge party tent, horse races take place on a grass track, and the presentation of rural life in the Bliesgau area is also an essential component. There are carousels and music and stalls and booths and kiosks, but the heart of the festival is the farmer’s market with artisan made foods and goods for sale.
The playground is located in a residential neighborhood. It’s a relatively large terrain with classical playground equipment, such as swings, a slide and monkey bars.
Die Sieben-Weiher-Tour ist eine Halbtagestour mit vergleichsweise wenig Steigungsstrecken durch sehr schöne Täler und Wälder in der Stadt Blieskastel und den benachbarten Kommunen. Charakteristisch sind die vielen Weiher direkt an der Strecke. Mehrere sehr attraktive Picknick- und Einkehrmöglichkeiten lassen aus der Halbtagestour ganz von alleine oftmals eine Ganztagesunternehmung werden. Die 7-Weiher-Tour bietet sich wegen der beiden Bahnhöfe in St. Ingbert und Niederwürzbach besonders gut für eine An- und Abreise mit dem Zug an.
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